Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Hate Facebook

I'm anti-social by nature. Almost to the point where one of my dreams is to live in the mountains of Alaska, collect cats and only come to town for toilet paper and Wild Turkey. I figure I'm conditioned for this. When I was a kid I wasn't fat. I was just big, never petite and taller than the kids my age. Children being the evil little beasts they are, focused on this and I was labeled the “Fat Girl” at the tender age of 4.

I never had a chance.

I was teased with mercilessly all through school. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I was tortured. I got it from all sides. Mom wasn’t happy that I was bigger and kids thought being fat was akin to kicking puppies and skinning hamsters. It was hell. I got through it though but there are definite lingering effects. I tend to be a people pleaser (Except when I’m driving.) and I always think people are looking at me or talking about me, mostly because they did. Normally I would soothe myself with food. Lots of food. Now I don’t have that. I can’t turn to food anymore so I am stuck in a weird cycle of depression and overall distaste for humanity.

Things are bothering me more. It’s like that line of defense is gone. It's almost crushing. Like Facebook. To be honest it’s my own damn fault that I’m anti-social and when I see that someone went zip lining while on fire I am seething with jealousy. I don’t like change or a change in my routine because it’s safe to me. I’ve lost friends I love and haven’t done the things I love because I hate myself. It’s so easy to blame my mother and blame those bastards at school but it’s all me.

All still living with my Dad me. I suppose it breaks down to the fact that I am trying to lose what’s keeping me from the world and I’m still resisting going into the world. I want so much more from life but I can’t figure out how to get it.


  1. aw. i just love you. you're a really good person, and i'm glad to know you.

    my best friend blogs a lot about weight... you two should meet and chat.

    alicia has been up, down and everywhere in between with self-acceptance and self-loathing and weight. i love her to my core, so it bugs me to know she doesn't feel great.

  2. **hugs** The only person you have to live with and deal with the rest of your life is yourself. Once you accept yourself and you make decisions that you can live with for the rest of your life, it takes a huge weight off your shoulders. If you are a good person and treat yourself and others with love, dont worry about other people. Do what makes you happy.

  3. You are talented, thoughtful, and a very witty writer. I hope you find the key to your own happiness very soon and I wish you every success.

    Like punch, I am happy to *know* you.
